The 2022/ 23 season can be considered one of the better seasons we have experienced for many a year. Polo tours were back, the crowds returned in numbers; things were back to better than normal! This was as a result of a very hardworking Committee of Management who put their heart and souls into making sure the Polo events ran to perfection.
We had all of our regular Polo friends from around the world return. The Villages from Florida, followed by the ever competitive team from Cheshire in the UK, The Canadians, followed by a first timers Switzerland. These proved to be be very exciting tours !
We listened to the feedback from our members and the public and made the decision to host Polo on Saturdays rather than the historical Sundays. This encouraged the crowds to hang around for our much loved after Polo parties. We are all about the social ! With a DJ and a live band on alternate Saturdays, Jay Johansen and his band was a hit with his marathon performances on stage!
None of the above mentioned would be possible without our season Partners on board. We were thrilled to partner with Diamonds International,The BTMI, our new partners Bajan 1966 Rum, Realtors Ltd, Archers Hall Design Center, Harris Paints, Trident Wines and Ansa Merchant Bank.
Our upcoming 23/24 season promises to be very exciting! Our new Club Captain Teddy Williams and our Vice Captain Marc Atwell are sure to put together some very exciting Polo afternoons for your enjoyment.
We look forward to welcoming all to what promises to be a fantastic year ahead.