James Johnson won yet another Sir Garry Sobers Golf tournament by over 16 shots yesterday completing four days of golf at Apes Hill Golf Club, Royal Westmoreland Golf Club, Sandy Lane Golf Club and Barbados Golf Club. Big Congratulations to James! More details on the tournament to follow.

Written by Kimbell Livingston
Race three of the SAP 505 World Championship was a reminder that, while crunching the best data, and executing appropriate strategies, in sailing as in business you need to keep a weather eye out for what the legal team refers to as an Act of God. The waters off Bridgetown, Barbados on Sunday were bright,

There are two casinos within walking distance of the Barbados Yacht Club, and if anybody ought to hit the casinos tonight it's German skipper Stefan Boehm, winner of the opening two races of the SAP 5O5 World Championship and a strategic gambler in both.
Racing continues through Friday in the sparkling Caribbean off Bridgetown, Barbados

Today is the first day of the 505's SAP Barbados Worlds 2013.  
The World Championships 2013 are being held here in Barbados and we are hoping for everything to go according to plan and to have excellent sailing conditions and an on time start with the first race scheduled for 12.00 pm .
If you get a moment have a view of the
